Do I Need To Trademark My Domain Name. A trademark is a piece of intellectual property that allows you to brand something so that no one else can copy or use it. You can potentially assert rights to the domain name in certain cases but not many.
Not all domain names can be registered as trademarks. The use of common or generic names will not usually meet the criteria of a trademark. Getting a trademark is a great form of protection for yourself but only if you qualify for registration.
Youve worked too hard building your online presence to have some jokers five states over kill your music career momentum just because they filed the paperwork first.
If you spend a lot of time creating unique original and valuable information to share with readers on your blog you may have thought about trademarking your blog name already. Use of a domain name only as part of a web address does not qualify as source-indicating trademark use though other prominent use apart from the web address may qualify as trademark use. Many bloggers large and small have already taken this step. However many small business owners fail to register a trademark to protect these defining characteristics.