Domain Name Finder From Ip. Reverse DNS is a technique used when finding a PTR record over an Arpa domain for an IP address. Whois Lookup is an ideal tool to help you learn more about who is the real domain owner and that will give you all the information about the registered domain owner as well as information about IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
This is achieved via searching of the DNS records until an exact match is found. Determines your IP address and shows information host location whois about any IP address entered. This will take you to our My IP Information Page automatically with all the necessary details.
A simple yet very effective tool for getting the host name information you need.
Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses can be obtained using this tool. Results include all gTLD domains and any known ccTLD domains. This process is also known as DNS lookup NSLOOKUP or erroneously IP lookup. Open command prompt by going to Start - Command Prompt or Go to Start - RUN - type cmd and press enter.