Domain Name Market Value. The value of a domain name can range anywhere from a few dollars to numbers in the six or even seven-figure range. Free domain name appraisal and domain name investment tools.
Negotiate quickly and anonymously if the seller has not stated a fixed price. The costs can range from a one-digit number to 6- or 7-digit numbers depending on the valuation factors. Most of the high-prize domain sales are carried out privately.
Premium domain names are high-quality domains that have been previously registered but are available for sale at todays market value.
Prices for domain names are established in the Secondary Market not by domain name investors alone but rather when buyers and sellers come to a meeting of the minds as to the relative value of a domain name. Intercapping is often used to emphasize the meaning of a domain name because DNS names are not case-sensitive. The domain value of 230 is the value Estibot determines as the keyword value. Found money is the best money.