Domain Name Renewal Grace Period. In order to renew your domain during this period call or open a ticket with our billing department. TLDs grace periods 1 If you happen to notice a soon-to-expire domain you would like to keep especially if it is a country-code domain.
During this period the domain name may cease to function. Domain name registration expires. In order to renew your domain during this period call or open a ticket with our billing department.
From days 1 to 30 after expiration.
If the domain has not been renewed by the owner prior to the expiry date the. Domain names that are in the 30-day Redemption Grace Period can be redeemed or renewed before the end of the Grace Period. If you do not renew before the end of the non-guaranteed 29-day renewal grace period your domain may be sold in auction removed from the account or go into redemption during which time there is an additional fee involved to recover the domain. What happens when a domain expires.