Domain Name Server Ttl. Resolving name servers are like the middlemen of the DNS exchange. The DNS lookup is done directly against the domains authoritative name server so changes to DNS Records should show up instantly.
When a DNS change is made it takes time for the rest of the Internet to notice. When you cannot browse the Internet send an email or connect to a domain server then you might have a DNS problem. For example if you set the TTL for a particular record to one hour servers store the information for that record locally for an hour before retrieving updated information from your nameservers.
TTLs will be used by the resolving name server.
TTL is an acronym for Time To Live You can set TTL for the DNS record that defines how long a resolver supposed to cache the DNS query before the query expires. This test will list DNS records for a domain in priority order. TTL is the time period for which servers cache the information for your DNS records. MX and NS records cannot point to a CNAME record.