Domain Name System Query Response. The response may contain the IP address of the most appropriate nameserver to send the request to next. The resolver may then send another request to that more appropriate nameserver.
Providing Minimal-Sized Responses to DNS Queries That Have QTYPEANY Abstract The Domain Name System DNS specifies a query type QTYPE ANY. The DNS infrastructure is made up of computing and communication entities called Name Servers each of which contains information about a small portion of the domain name space. In this scheme an entire domain name or a list of labels at the end of a domain name is replaced with a pointer to a prior occurrence of the same name.
DNS queries and responses are best looked at using a protocol analyzer - Wireshark is a good cross platform tool that can capture and deconstruct the requests and responses into their various parts.
In order to reduce the size of messages the domain system utilizes a compression scheme which eliminates the repetition of domain names in the NAME QNAME and RDATA fields. These servers can set the information or cache it. In order to reduce the size of messages the domain system utilizes a compression scheme which eliminates the repetition of domain names in the NAME QNAME and RDATA fields. Because the DNS message format can vary depending on the query and the answer weve broken this analysis into two parts.