Domain Name Whois Privacy. Domain privacy is the ability to mask the information you used to register your domain name. WhoisGuard by Namecheap is a service that offers privacy protection for your domain keeping your sensitive data safe.
The contact information in a WHOIS record can be hidden from the rest of the world using a private registration service offered by some registrars. This information is important because any domain name disputes and technical issues will need to be resolved by the domain name owner. Every time a domain name is registered registrars need to verify the identity of a domains owner or registrant.
Buying into this will hide a domain registrants personal.
Whenever a domain name is registered or updated the contact details of its owner are automatically published in an online database known as the WHOIS database. Currently the only way to keep this information private to protect your identity minimize spam prevent unsolicited marketing outreach and protect against domain hijacking is via a service known as domain privacy. Protect your privacy When you choose private registration for a domain name with IONOS you will benefit from ultimate privacy and anonymity. ICANN the international governing body for domain names requires every domain registrar to maintain a publicly viewable WHOIS database that displays the personal contact information including home address and phone numbers for every registered domain.