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Trademark Infringement Website Domain Name. There are millions of websites online so its key to do your research before creating a URL in order to avoid infringement. For a domain name to be trademarkable and thus protected from infringement products or services must be sold using the domain name as the trademark.
As a general rule if they started using the name on similar goods or services after you began using the name you have superior trademark rights. For example if a websites domain name includes the word Reebok in its domain name it could be cited for infringing upon the shoe brand named Reebok. Often cybersquatters register the domain name but do not post a web site under that name.
Please refer to the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy the UDRP if you have a concern or dispute about a registered domain name.
Dont just search for your exact name but search for similar sounding names misspelled versions of your name synonyms etc. A person or business lacked a legitimate claim to a domain name but registered a trademarked domain name with the sole intent to sell the name prevent the trademark holder from gaining access to the name or divert traffic to the domains site. Traditional trademark infringement analysis would not have covered many cybersquatting cases. Then the company may not have an issue of infringement and the domain owner is free to continue use of the domain name.