Website Domain Name Owner. The first and most well known registrar is Network Solutions Inc. Reasons for contacting the domain owner may include general and technical inquiries domain sale inquiries as well as information in the event of possible misuse of the domain or domain name.
This listing will include your name address phone number email address and domain name expiration date. If you are looking for a domain WhoIs domain lookup can tell you if its already owned by another entity and provide contact information for the domain name owner. Search domain availability or expiration.
A domain name is owned by or licensed to the person or entity shown as the registrant on the whois database of the registrar.
The WHOIS domain database is a listing of all registered domains and is regularly used for various legal purposes. Use WhoIs lookup anytime you want to perform a search to see who owns a domain name how many pages from a site are listed with Google or even search WhoIs address listings for a websites owner. But the legal owner of a website is the registrantthe person or entity in whose name the domain has been registered with a dedicated domain registrar or hosting provider. A domain name is owned by or licensed to the person or entity shown as the registrant on the whois database of the registrar.